Michael „Slamák“ Sláma

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Eng Only
I pro nováčky
CyberPunk One Page RPG
Věk: 15+
Do you like Cyberpunk? Are you a punk who takes everything with a bit of humor? Do you hijack the story just to send it off the rails? Then this is definitely the game for you!
neděle 9–13  ((5/5)) 


Eng Only
I pro nováčky
Fate 4e
Věk: 10+
Life is good. You are one of the newest children of the tribe, spending your duty-free days sleeping, cuddling, enjoying baths and eating bugs… I mentioned you are a kobold, right?
sobota 14–18  ((4/4)) 


Eng Only
I pro nováčky
CyberPunk One Page RPG
Věk: 15+

Do you like Cyberpunk? Are you a punk who takes everything with a bit of humor? Do you hijack the story just to send it off the rails? Then this is definitely the game for you!

„Yo man, I tell you, I can handle any job you toss my way. Anything you can think of – been there, done that. Me and the boys are the meanest baddies around.“
„Sir, please…“
„Lemme tell you, I've seen it all. Robbing, kidnapping, stealing, breaking stuff, shooting grannies, smuggling hot iron, felony…“
„Shooting grannies? What's that supposed to mean?“
„That's a long story, man. So you hire or what?“
“No, sir, I just need you to…”
„This about money? I can get real cheap just this time.“
„No, sir, this is McDonald's, I just need you to pay for your order.“

Join the group of ragtag street thugs, cyber psychos and sexbots ready to take any job. And by any job, I mean a job even your employer doesn't know in advance!

Let's tell a great story together, vent your creative steam and just be dumb together! We will be playing the CyberPunk: One Page RPG system by John Harper, where nothing is set until we start to play.


Michael „Slamák“ Sláma


4 h


neděle 9–13  ((5/5)) 

Teeny Tiny Scaly Trouble

Eng Only
I pro nováčky
Fate 4e
Věk: 10+

Life is good. You are one of the newest children of the tribe, spending your duty-free days sleeping, cuddling, enjoying baths and eating bugs… I mentioned you are a kobold, right?

„What would you do, if you were The Papa?“ asked Malik, the smallest egg from the bunch.
„What do you mean, if? I’m going to be the next Papa! I just need to grow up a little bit more!“ smiled Faldik, patting his round, scaly belly „And I am going to snooze all day, eating wormsies by a bunch!“
„But you do that already, you goof,“ laughed Malik, holding back smoke leaving his nostrils.
„Stop bamboozling him, Faldik,“ said Ohnik grumpily. „Papa is the only one, there is no one like him.“
Both lizards are staring at him, pondering, scratching their scaly little kobold heads.
Finally, the big, chubby lizard made up his mind: „Maybe I’m not the next one, but there are other Papas! Mat-matik once told me. They are called… uh… Druh-goons.“

Join the group of our little kobolds, yet unaware of anything beyond the safety and warmth of their dragon’s lair. Things are not going to stay like that for long, and soon, those little scaly rascals will have their life turned upside down. All in a cute, fairy-tale coating.

We will be playing in FATE Core – a lightweight rule system that doesn’t stand in the way of a great story. It is VERY easy to pick up, even for first-time RPG players. I also allow a great deal of player creativity in unfolding of the story, so if you’re feeling inspired, please, come to make an epic tale together.


Michael „Slamák“ Sláma


4 h


sobota 14–18  ((4/4)) 
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